European Commission Sets Standards for Hemp Food

The regulations for the CBD food industry in the entire European Union have been long-awaited. The guidelines for the acceptance of the quantity of THC present in commercially food products that contain CBD have been created. There are two such guidelines.

The European Commission’s standing committee approves the first one on plants, food, animals, and feed. The regulation states that the hempseed-derived oil’s THC content needs to exceed 7.5 mg/kg.

The second regulation states that the THC levels for dry foods with hemp, flavor, and protein powder should not exceed 3 mg/kg. Canada has come up with a 10 mg/kg limit for the oils and dry foods while Switzerland has a double limit of 20 mg/kg for oils and dry products at 10 mg/kg.

The harmonized guidelines apply to the entire European hemp sector to help produce safer hemp products. Setting up these regulations has played a huge role in enhancing the importation of the hemp process across the globe.

European Commission has also come up with policies on hemp cultivation and ways of controlling soil erosion. This is the best way to ramp up biodiversity and cultivate plants that require the application of pesticides. The European Union has also regulated the sale of hemp flowers.

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